
“Our approach to fulfilling musicians’ needs should not solely depend on the value or mastery of their instruments. Instead, we aim to discover the most efficient way for each instrument to function. This was the inspiration behind creating the TOVA System.”

 Károly Tóth-Luthier and Inventor of the TOVA system.

My “Du Pré-Harrell Stradivarius” from 1673 is an amazing and charismatic instrument with great characteristics. It was one of the first cellos we installed the final version of TOVA and I never thought it could become even better than it was before the new setup. I feel that my cello works better with this system and I can play on it almost effortlessly and use it more efficiently.”

István Várdai – Cellist and Co-inventor of the TOVA system


High-end acoustic engineering

The TOVA system can be used on all string instruments, regardless of their quality or price class. The system has already been installed on over 200 instruments

Music education

TOVA is advantageous for music education as it enables students to enhance their instrumental skills affordably


TOVA renounces endangered woods. The use of other technological materials allows us to replace the wood with advanced materials

Worldwide shipping

Our products shipped worldwide

Revolutionary concept

The TOVA tailpiece creates a new dimension of sound that improves the playing and the player

Custom made strings

In collaboration with renowned string manufactures we developed longer strings that maximize the sounding potential of string instruments


All our products at one place

From tailpieces to strings and other accessories

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